Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Spring is officially here and I have a newfound appreciation for being outside after months of being stuck inside. We did finally make it to a children's museum a few weeks ago where we may just have to become members when the weather turns cool again this fall. A few weeks ago, they had free admission, so we went to check it out and the kids loved it (Audrey showed her excitement by sleeping most of the time).
Carter LOVES mascots!

Audrey will be six months old this week! She's been rolling from back to belly for a few weeks but has yet to master belly to back, which has led to a very unhappy baby from time to time when she rolls over in her sleep and can't figure out why she's on her belly. She's also discovered her feet - one of my favorite baby achievements. She has no desire to sit up yet, instead diving for her feet anytime I attempt to put her in a sitting position. We've also started some "solids" but the first few items were of no interest to her. Ava & Carter were ecstatic to try solids, so I wasn't sure what to do with her, but kept trying and once we hit bananas, she's been good to go!

1 comment:

librarycat said...

Love the new look of your blog! The pictures are great! The chldren are beautiful and always seem to be having a great time! We must get together and join in the fun! Enjoy a wonderful spring & blessed Easter.