Monday, September 28, 2009

Party of Five

(I started this days ago and am now finally finishing it. Life with a newborn is busy!)

She's here! Audrey Hope joined us on Thursday, September 24! I'd hoped we would be able to update this while we were at the hospital, but the internet access at the hospital has blogspot on the unapproved list. Here's how the day went:

6:15 a.m. - arrived at hospital and got checked in

6:45 a.m. - all set for the induction to begin

8:15 a.m. - my doctor stopped in and broke my water, contractions intensify (about 4cm dilated)

8:50 a.m. - ready for some pain relief; bring on the epidural!

9:15 a.m.?? - epidural is administered, but unlike the other 2 times I've had one, there is no immediate relief (unsure of timing as we were all fairly distracted by my pain level); Anesthesiologist suggests waiting 30 minutes as sometimes it takes a little while for the medicine to become effective (5-6 cm dilated).

10:05 a.m. - Nurse calls anesthesiologist to come back as I still have no relief. I'm wondering why in the world women would go through the pain I'm experiencing if given the option not to!

10:20 a.m. - Almost 8 cm... if he doesn't come back soon, I've lost my opportunity for an epidural. Nurse tells me to let her know if I start feeling any pressure.

???? - With the very next contraction, I'm feeling a great deal of pressure (I think she jinxed me!). I can't remember if she's already called the doctor by this point as things are quite hazy. I think she must have because it seems like she called a second time to say he needed to head over quickly. I remember basically trying to hang on during the contractions and the next thing I knew they were changing out the end of the bed for the delivery, the doctor was there and telling me to push. Everything is really a blur because the pain was so intense, although I do remember the doctor saying at one point, "You have to push... I can't get her out if you don't push," and me thinking, "WHAT? I am pushing! And you have to GET HER OUT!"

10:43 a.m. - Audrey Hope arrives and I hear the doctor say, "I wasn't expecting her to be that big." Turns out she's one ounce shy of 10 pounds!!

10:50 a.m. - Anesthesiologist returns and quickly realizes he's no longer needed.

We spent the rest of the day in the delivery room as they didn't have any rooms available on the maternity floor. Around 4 p.m., we finally got a room and settled in.

Of course, here are some pics from her first day here! Because everything happened so quickly, I failed to remind Mark to have the camera ready to snap pics right after she arrived. Her poor little face was pretty bruised up from the delivery, but I'm glad to say that cleared up pretty quickly.

I'm very glad to have my mom here to take care of us. She's been a huge help in allowing me to recover and focus on caring for Audrey.

Ava and Carter seem to be adjusting fairly well to having a new baby sister. Carter was deathly afraid of her when they first met, but now he can't seem to get enough of her. Ava has never been that interested in baby dolls or babies, but she's been taking extra special care of her baby doll and loves on Audrey constantly... sometimes a little too much. She also let us know when they came to the hospital that her name was actually Cinderella, and the first few days we were home, she'd correct us any time we called her Audrey.

We are excited about our new little (?) blessing!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The end is in sight!

We're less than a week away from the due date, and baby will be here one way or the other by Friday! I saw the doctor this morning and am 3cm dilated and 50% effaced - if that means nothing to you, basically I'm starting to progress and could go any time. Because I am progressing, he is willing to schedule an induction, so we have one scheduled for Thursday morning. It seems like everything is going a little crazy with the timing of this baby's arrival. We've known for months that Mark's restaurant was moving locations. I mentioned that in my last blog that the opening is scheduled for September 28, the day after my due date. I'd known that was coming, so had myself prepared, but things got a little crazier when Carter got sick this past weekend. We are blessed in that our kids very rarely get sick, so for him to get croup right before I'm due seems nuts. In and of itself, him being sick wouldn't be a big deal (and I am so very thankful it isn't a throwing-up kind of sick), but I would feel awful about having to ask other people to watch a sickie who is waking up every 1-2 hours at night. In addition, I wouldn't be too excited to bring a new baby home with a sick toddler. I'm not sleeping great anyway with having to get up and go to the bathroom every few hours, but taking care of a sick little boy wore me out Saturday night. I took a 4-hour nap Sunday morning and dozed again while they napped in the afternoon. Of course, I had a horrible time trying to sleep last night, which is kind of sad since Mark tended to Carter and his multiple wakings. We're hoping tonight he sleeps better. And, as strange as it sounds, I'm hoping to actually make it to Thursday before having this baby. My parents will be coming out on Wednesday and knowing the kids are taken care of is one less thing I'll have to worry about! Amazing how having little people to care for makes me less anxious to get this pregnancy over with.

I do believe we'll have internet at the hospital, so we're hoping to be able to give real-time updates on this baby's arrival.

And, because no entry is complete without some pictures, here are a couple.

Carter's attempt at drinking the milk from his cereal bowl (note the cheerios left in the bowl and the milk that is very much NOT going into his mouth).

Lately, Ava doesn't nap most days, but she does stay in her room quietly (at least I think so... I'm usually napping myself). I went in to tell her she could get up and almost tripped over this on the floor:

Then, when I looked at her in bed, I noticed she was unusually still:
I debated on whether to take a picture since I didn't want to wake her up, but I just couldn't resist. Even if it had woken her up (so glad it didn't!), it would have been worth it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Counting down...

I have a little over 3 weeks until baby Button #3 is due! Ack! My list of things to get done seems much longer than the amount of energy I possess these days. The past few weeks have held lots of nighttime trips to the bathroom when I would rather be sleeping and Ava hasn't helped matters by deciding she needs something almost every night anywhere from 1am to 5am (really, how can you not find your pillow when your head is on it??)! I think giving in and putting a nightlight in her room may be helping. Only time will tell. For a long time she seemed not to have the ability to stop playing or looking at books and fall asleep if there was any light in her room, but something had to give, and so far she's been sleeping through the night without calling for us. I don't think I can handle the nighttime demands of a newborn along with her needing us in the middle of the night every night.

I'm a little anxious about the timing of this baby's arrival as the restaurant Mark manages is moving and the official opening date is the day after my due date. He already works about 60 hours a week, and the two days leading up to the opening they have intense training scheduled (when he helped another restaurant open, these were 16-18 hour days). I selfishly hope the baby does come at the due date so he doesn't (okay, so I don't) have to endure those long days. However, I know Mark and know he would hate to miss out on this time of transition with his crew at the new place. So even though this pregnancy has left me more uncomfortable that the last 2, I almost hope I go a few days late so he gets the chance to open the store and see it running well and then can focus on us. Otherwise, I know he'll be itching to go in and check on things. As it is, I know he probably won't take more than a week off (if that) because of everything going on at work. I'm praying that all those moms who have told me the 3rd baby is generally easygoing are right about our 3rd! God's timing is perfect, though, so I'm doing my best to trust Him.

One project I've been working on is going through both kids' closets and organizing the outgrown girl things and trying to decide what of the boy things are worth trying to sell/give away/donate to Goodwill. While I was working on this last weekend, Ava discovered her dress-up clothes (because we have limited space for toys in the main living area, I often rotate toys out for a while) and Carter, ever the mimic, brought me a dress he wanted to wear. Since Ava had a crown, he also wanted one, but I wasn't sure where to find one at the moment. He spotted a very outgrown winter hat and handed it to me, exclaiming, "Crown!"

Thanks to a great sale coupled with coupons, I stocked up on Trix yogurt, which we'd never had before. I think Carter likes it!

We've been outside a lot these days enjoying the perfect weather. Since the rediscovery of dress-up last week, Ava has spent most of her days as a princess and while I did give in one day and let her wear her princess shoes in the car while I ran a quick errand, I haven't let her play outside in all her princess glory. Today for lunch, I did agree that she could wear her shoes, crown and purses outside (she also loves her princess shirt - you may notice she's wearing it in the picture from last week).
Mark and I couldn't stop laughing when she noticed her reflection in the back door and started posing.

Never a dull moment around here!