Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We spent the first week of August in MD with my (Amy's) parents. I wanted to post sooner, but was having a problem getting our computer to read the disc I'd burned.

First we headed to Ocean City for a few days. It was the first time either Ava or Carter had seen the beach and both loved it (although Ava would NOT put her bare feet in the sand)! They loved the sand and the water. Here are some pics from our adventure.

We did have some issues with Carter waking up far too early (and once he's up, he's up... and so are we), but the upside is we got to see the beautiful sunrises outside our window!

I have a bunch of other pics from our week in MD that I'll post soon. It was a great time with very few plans - my kind of vacation. We finished up the week with a Cartzendafner family reunion. A fabulous week!

1 comment:

Carrie and Jim said...

I love the photos with the grandparents. What wonderful memories you are making.