She's showing more of an opinion than her siblings when it comes to food. While they ate pretty much anything I'd offer, she will fuss if I give her something she's not fond of... and sometimes I'll get it spit back at me. She hates having food in the corners of her mouth and I have to be quick to get it because while she hates it right next to her mouth, she's fine with smearing it absolutely anywhere else on her face. Or the chair. Or her clothers. Or basically anywhere else. How can such a small bit of food make such a mess?? She's become a pro at feeding herself finger foods, and she also loves to play with her tongue. At first it only came out when she was eating - in between bites she'd stick it out and see how she could contort it. Lately, it's a constant facsination.
Like her siblings, she loves to swing.
And lucky for her, Carter even likes to push her!
She has mastered the army crawl and has gotten so FAST. She's also starting to stand if holding on to someone or something and she has attempted to pull herself up a few times. I sway between encouraging these new developments and immediately grabbing her, holding her like a baby and asking her if she could slow down just a little.
Carter's not slowing down a bit and turns 3 in just a few days! This morning Ava went around the living room and picked out some of his favorite things so she'd have some presents for his birthday. She also pulled out all the orange construction paper she could find (his favorite color) so she could wrap them and finally, went on to make a card for each present.
For more pics of the fun we've been having this summer, check out this album on Facebook!
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