I love this little man so much! He still loves to snuggle, but plays hard. He's all boy, but has a sensitive, sweet spirit. Trucks, trains and cars remain his favorite toys, but he & Ava play together a lot now, so he can also be found playing with her pony castle or dressing up.
Opening presents at his birthday party
Thomas birthday cake (Ava has announced that next year he's having a Little Mermaid cake...)
Eating cake & ice cream on the swingset
He's really starting to lose his toddler chubbiness - he seems taller and thinner. His speech is clearer and he is starting to exert his will more, too. I didn't experience much of the "terrible two's" with him, but about a week before three hit, he started with some major tantrums. I'm hoping this doesn't last long!
Audrey is 10 months old today. Is that possible?? How can this year be going by so fast? She now pulls herself up to stand and spends most of her time attempting to get into every last thing she can't have. Carter and Ava both struggle with her wanting to play with all their toys (she very rarely wants the "safe for kids under 3" toys). She's also gotten LOUD. She screeches for no reason and even makes noises when she eats. She's learned to wave and gets so excited when she sees her brother or sister. Still no real words, but Ava & Carter were both late to talk, and they talk plenty now, so no worries there.
I love this girl's expressions! I've never seen a baby with such expressive eyebrows...
even a lady at the park commented on them!
Here's a few more pics from a recent trip to Neena & Poppie's house:

no idea what this look from Chloe is about, but I love it!

Audrey drooled on Mark's sleeve for a while before giving in and falling asleep.
no idea what this look from Chloe is about, but I love it!
Audrey drooled on Mark's sleeve for a while before giving in and falling asleep.
And while most of the time this blog is about the kids, there is news for me and Mark as well. Please pray with us as Mark is pursuing other employment opportunities. I'm convinced that God has something better for him and for our family! Also, tomorrow Mark and I will celebrate 12 years of marriage!