I can't even begin to tell you what a joy Audrey has been to us. A couple weeks ago, she started sleeping longer and longer at night and now she almost always goes to at least 6:30, usually 7:00! The other 2 did not go 10-11 hours this early. She also sleeps great during the day (sometimes I actually find myself worrying that she sleeps too much - I know, crazy). And when she's awake, she's all smiles and coos... well, unless a certain 2-year-old drops something on her head. (When Carter is in play mode, he's pretty much oblivious to everything and everyone around him.)
Anyway, we almost used "Joy" instead of "Hope" for her middle name (Mark was pushing for Joy, but made the mistake of asking for the final decision moments after I delivered the almost 10 pounder with a non-working epidural, so Hope it was!) What she has really brought to us is PEACE! To sit and hold her in the midst of a crazy day brings peace. Ava and Carter quiet down and talk softly to her, kissing and hugging her (for a few moments until one starts pushing the other to get his/her turn to be close to her).
Back in September as I neared her due date, I was really wondering what we were doing in having a 3rd (although it was far too late to turn back!). I felt overwhelmed with 2, and expected the first few months of her life to be awful since the newborn stage as I'd experienced it twice was so challenging. She has been so easy, though! Now I understand when people say to treasure each moment because it goes by so fast. Frankly, with my first 2 newborns, I wondered when the time would start going by faster! Between the sleep deprivation and crying babies, I was challenged to find moments I wanted to remember. I loved them (and still do), but I found caring for a newborn to be downright hard. Who knew adding a 3rd child would actually bring me a sense of peace?
Or, maybe I'm just finally mellowing out as I get older.
P.S. We don't stay in our pajamas all the time... most days.
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