Carter loves shoes... his, Ava's, mine, Mark's - he's not picky.

Silly/scary faces.

Ava has some obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Notice how her cheerios are lined up in a nice straight row.

Carter started copying Ava, lining his cheerios up as well, but then decided a random pattern was much more his style (and then very quickly decided eating them was even more fun).

Ava's latest compulsion is stacking books. She is very particular about the order and works at stacking and unstacking until she gets it just right. The good thing is this can occupy her for large chunks of time. The bad thing is when Carter decides he wants a book from the stack and she has a minor meltdown about messing up her stack. We have a lot of conversations about how books were meant to be read and not just stacked.

Sometimes after making a stack, she'll spend another chuck of time looking through every book in her stack.

And sometimes she'll take a break from stacking to line up some friends on the couch and get a book for each of them.
1 comment:
I love reading about your children. It's amazing all of the unique things about their personalities especially when they are small. That's another good reason why blogs are so nice to have.
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