I had the ultrasound on Wednesday, and the technician was 95-99% sure we are having a girl! I was totally shocked as I was certain we were having another boy. My pregnancies with Ava and Carter were vastly different and this one was much more like Carter's, so I was pretty sure it must be a boy. Mark finally admitted to me after the ultrasound that he, too, thought it would be a boy. I kept asking him for a prediction (mainly because he's been wrong the other 2 times and I figured that would tell me if I should be thinking pink or blue), but he would never give me an answer. We also found out she is developing just as she should, which is always good to hear.
Here are some pics:
This first one is a profile - technician labeled parts on each picture to help determine what you're seeing.

This last one has another shot of the alien child looking right at us and on the right is a side shot of her little foot!

Ava seems not to have a strong opinion about having a sister. I think she knows another child means less attention for her and anyway you look at it, she's not too excited about losing attention. Carter loves to pull up my shirt and look at my expanding belly. At first, he would blow a raspberry on my stomach (and giggle) each time he did this, but the past couple days, he pulls up my shirt and says, "Whoa." I thought he was amazed at how it kept getting bigger, but I finally realized tonight that he was actually saying, "Hello." He's imitating Mark talking to my stomach! He really is too cute for words.
Now, on to the task to picking a name for this baby girl!
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