Monday, August 23, 2010

11 Months

We recently headed to MD for a week of vacation (including a family reunion & a trip to the beach) and I still haven’t had a chance to sort through all the pics and post some, but in the meantime, I need to document Audrey’s achievements of late. Over the past month, she has learned so much and is doing all sorts of new tricks with which to entertain us. Her primary way to make me smile is with any number of faces she makes. She can't seem to smile without scrunching up her face and no matter how many times I catch it on camera, a still photo simply doesn't do her cuteness justice.

After a few pictures, she usually decides she's done and tries to take the camera away.

She’s over the army/commando crawl (dragging the body with the elbows) and is now a full-fledged crawler… and stair-climber. She also pulls up to stand on anything she can find and cruises along furniture (including kitchen appliances… I’ve learned I need to get in and out of the dishwasher quickly or she’ll start grabbing silverware and tossing pieces out onto the floor).

I love to watch her play. She loves to explore and her play often involved copying behavior she sees elsewhere. The other day I wasn’t sure if she really was trying to feed me with a spoon, but I was convinced when I caught her feeding herself the next day!

She also must have been watching Carter play with his cars because she’s gone from trying to eat them to pushing them around and making “vroom” noises just like her brother. I only wish I had the camera when I noticed her pushing a cheerio around her high-chair tray like a car, complete with car noises.

Here's a video (sorry for the quality - I wanted to capture it while I could and all I had was the camera which doesn't take the greatest video... hopefully, you can hear her "vrooms" over Carter's!)

Oh, and she discovered the her finger fits perfectly in her nose. Now a moment we can all treasure.

And finally, so the post isn't ALL about Audrey, this was from a recent trip to Columbus to see our very good friends' daughter get baptized (yay, Sophia!!). I'm sure the kids hate these pictures, but I love catching them all together (although, I really need to remember to get these before we're trying to head out the door because one or more children are melting down).

Vacation pictures coming soon!