The day after Christmas my parents came to celebrate Christmas with us. While Nana snuggled with Audrey, Ava and Carter had a blast opening presents. Carter was
very into tearing off the wrapping paper - as soon as he'd open one present, he'd barely even look at it before exclaiming, "More! Presents!" So wish I'd had the video camera ready. I even let him open the few thing we had wrapped up for Audrey simply because he was having so much fun!

Ava got a variety of princess items to add to her collection...

... and Carter got more toys with wheels! Here's a mat my mom made that fits our coffee table. It has roads leading to all the places we frequent and even has little wooden trees that velcro on.

He got more track and trains for his collection (although Mark and I have already decided we need more so we can build cooler tracks - sometimes I think we have more fun than Carter does!)...

... including this train set (in front of the one Carter's playing with) made by my dad. Of course, I only got 3 of the 5 cars in the picture, but trust me, it's beautiful! I'm sad I didn't take more opportunities to learn from both of my parents' sewing & woodworking talents while growing up!

Later in the day we went to my brother's house - here's Mark with all the kids... or rather,
here are the kids. HA!

Stay tuned for snow pictures!!