How can you not love this face? Poor guy gets kissed on all day long.
Mark and I have been busy - I keep waiting for things to settle down, but I guess that won't happen for years to come. He is helping at a new Chipotle and was working long hours and long weeks. His schedule is a little more normal now, for which I'm thankful. For 2 weeks, Ava went 4 days without seeing her Daddy. It was hard on both of them (and me!). I've been busy working part time for a friend who has an eBay business. I was only shipping items, but have taken over pretty much the whole operation except for packaging items. Things are slowing down significantly for the summer months, though. It has been a blessing to have a way to earn some money working from home.

Carter is crawling all over and into everything. The bad part is he is VERY quiet! So, we have to keep an eye on him constantly. He like to crawl under things and climb over things. One day he crawled under a little table we'd gotten for him and Ava and got stuck under a chair, but he kept on crawling taking the chair with him... right toward the kitty dishes - the water dish is far too tempting.
Just last week, he learned how to sign, "more" after several weeks of me attempting to teach him and basically giving up. (I don't want to compare kids, but Ava picked up her first sign in one day! I was beginning to think he might never "get it.") I have it on video, but need to find the right cable to download it to the computer.

Ava is so happy that we can play outside! She even asks if we can go out and play in the rain - we keep telling her it's not quite warm enough for that, yet. We got a "Finding Nemo" book from the library about a month ago and she LOVES it. Has it memorized, sleeps with it, recites lines from it randomly... it will be a sad day when we can no longer renew it, but I have been looking at it on eBay, so I may go ahead and get her a copy. She also love Cinderella and talks about being a princess and wearing pretty dresses and dancing. It's especially fun to see her act out scenes with her dolls and stuffed animals. Sometimes she tells me she's Cinderella. If Mark is there, he, of course, is the Prince. When he isn't, I get to be the Prince. She continues to make us laugh all the time.
Even on the days they make us crazy, we couldn't imagine life without them!