All of us except Mark have had colds the past few weeks, but that seems to be standard with toddlers and babies this time of year. I don't have many pictures as I normally would since we've all had snotty noses and it's not a good look on us!
In the past 2 weeks, Ava has started saying, "Love you, Mommy (or Daddy or Carter or Bear)" complete with hug with no sort of prompting on our parts. So precious. We are working on the intensity of hugging when it comes to Carter... she is quite unaware of her own strength. Not that he seems to mind at all - he loves any and all attention he receives from his big sister.
I can tell Ava is anxious for Carter to be able to play with her. She brings him toys (and often shoos him away from things she doesn't want him to touch). He does tend to get into everything already. Even though he's far from crawling, he is a master roller. I can see him spot something across the room and off he goes rolling toward it. Frankly, I'm a little nervous about how much he'll get into when he CAN crawl!
Several times when I've gotten Carter after he's been sleeping, I notice a hand-print on his face. Since he's too young for a pillow, I guess his hand works just fine.