Since everyone else is doing it, we figured we'd join in, too (okay, not everyone is doing it, but we're definitely not the first with a family blog).
We'll use this to post pictures and keep family and friends updated on our lives... well, mostly what the kids are up to (they're much more interesting). Hopefully, it will allow us to keep in better touch with those people we love, but whom we don't see nearly as often as we'd like.
Most will know the general scoop. We live in Ohio and now have 2 babies! Ava turns 2 this Saturday and Carter joined our family on July 3 (making him 4 months old). I don't think we could have dreamed of better kids.
Ava is funny and friendly and full of life - although I guess most 2-year-olds are. She has a sensitive heart and loves to help with anything you'll let her do. She doesn't seem to know what a stranger is (Picture us at the doctor's for her 2-year check-up. The nurse opens the door and calls for us, and as we gather up our stuff and follow the nurse, we have to wait for Ava as she says "goodbye!" and waves to everyone in the waiting room... and if they ignore her, she gets in their face and increases her volume so as not to be ignored.) She's a riot. She loves the letter "W" and the number "2" and singing songs about her "big girl bed."
Carter is sweet and smiley. He gets loved on a LOT by all of us. He was named for our fathers. Carter is a shortened version of my dad's last name (and my maiden name, of course) and his middle name, Stephen, is Mark's dad's name as well as Mark's middle name. He's started rolling over and scootching around with a vengeance, which was somewhat expected after the dance parties he had in utero.
Mark's doing marketing for a home inspection company, and I'm blessed to stay home with our babies. I must say that I think my previous full-time job was loads easier, but this one is far more rewarding.
That's enough to get us started... don't want to bore everyone already!